Man’s Best Friend, Molly, delivers love and care to Traumatized Police Officers.

EL PASO, Texas  – “Bless the living while honoring the fallen.” That’s what one Mans Best Friend, chaplain Ron Leonard and his dog Molly are doing as a way to give back and help those who dedicate their lives to ‘helping us.’

Chaplain Ron Leonard, who has been a Chaplain for 12 years, moved to Texas about a year and a half ago and said he, and Molly, wanted to do more. so they started traveling around to show those in law enforcement appreciation,

“What we try to do is try to honor the fallen by blessing the living. We are able to give these goody bags to the officers and its simply a way of saying we care and your life matters.


We actually just go up to them in the field or roll call. We give them the goody bags and they say thank you. It has a card in it that says ‘officers we need you’ and its really just neat. Their emotions come up, some of them have tears trickling down their face. They are just so excited that people will care. As you know this year has been a very difficult year with the pandemic and the war on police. It has been a bad situation and we just try to bring that joy. Molly just goes up and they pet Molly – the vet says when a dog or cat licks you a happy chemical is released in your body.”

Rev. Leonard said that Molly has been doing this for nine years and has been on more than 5,000 visits. He added that the officers love the unconditional love of a dog.


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